Sid Freeman
Co Founder & Chair of Trustees
For about 10 years, I have tried to support individuals who are homeless. This has become a particular passion and commitment since my wife, Jill, and I moved to Hereford. It is a sheer joy to assist people with multiple complex needs, who want to improve, who grapple with issues, overcome difficulties and failures, recover from addictions, one day at a time, and flourish. Too often, individuals lose hope and motivation, get stuck and die, tragically young. We must be there for them.
I believe in lifelong learning. We are never too old or too disadvantaged to learn – I proved it! I’m a south London working-class kid who works hard. I started a PhD when I was 55 and graduated aged 62. I’ve probably learned more from failure than I have from success. Don’t just think about or talk about learning – just do it – start today and keep going!!
I became a Christian when I was 17 and I’m glad to say it really works – God has transformed my life, but – you can tell – I’m still a work in progress….
I have lived in three cities – London, Birmingham and Hereford – though it’s hard to resist the thought that Hereford is a village masquerading as a city!